Universal Law 2: Law of Vibration

This Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns.

Using the law of vibration at home:

  1. I love everyone at home.
  2. I am dear to all at home.
  3. I am happy with all.
  4. I am harmonious with my family.
  5. I am the instrument of peace at home.
  6. I am the lover of faith is so in my family.
  7. My family is developing day by day.

All the above thoughts vibrates and travels in circular patterns.

Family Enjoying meal,mealtime Together


Universal Law 1 : Law of divine oneness

Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around us.

Using law of divine oneness at home:

  1. I love everyone at home so everyone love me.
  2. I am harmonious with all so is everyone with me.
  3. I am an instrument of love, friendship, happiness and compassion at home so all members at home enjoy the same.
  4. My happiness creates happiness at everyone’s heart, so is love at home.
  5. I know that what I do, say, think and believe affects others at home and that’s why I do, say, think and believe positively.
  6. Hence every moment at home is excellent, superb and fantastic.



Read this repeatedly for 3 times to affirm yourself

  1. I love my home.
  2. I am in harmony with everyone at home.
  3. I am related to everyone and hence happy with everyone.
  4. I know that my thoughts are the framework of my world and so I have an happy and harmonious family which reflects my thought.
  5. Love is the heart of my family and faith is the basement of it.
  6. All my family members are in acceptance with me and I am with them.
  7. Forgiveness is source of solution to most of things in life and that is the soul prayer of our family.
  8. Happiness, Loving Kindness, Friendship and Compassion are the invisible power of my family and it is blessed each and every second by the almighty. I am gifted to have such a great family.




Read this repeatedly for 3 times to affirm yourself

  1. I am in love with all.
  2. I love all creations.
  3. I love everyone for no reason.
  4. I love my life as it is a service to all.
  5. I love to serve anyone at any time.
  6. I am an instrument of selfless love.
  7. I am living a life where selfless love is my breath.
  8. Selfless love brings calm and peace and I do so.
  9. I am ready to forgive anyone as it is the first step to selfless love.
  10. I am created by love and so my life is also filled with love and selfless love towards others.



Read this repeatedly for 3 times to affirm yourself

  1. I shower kindness on everyone.
  2. I am the instrument of kindness.
  3. I forgive everyone out of kindness.
  4. I ask forgiveness from everyone out of kindness.
  5. I win enmity through kindness.
  6. Kindness is the bridge between us and nature. I feel it and enjoy my life with it.
  7. I love all creations as it is the basis of kindness.
  8. I am kind to myself and hence I am free from diseases.
  9. I am kind and kindness is my breath. I inhale kindness, spread throughout my body and exhale kindness to spread around me.
  10. I am the son of kindness, a messenger of kindness and a channel of kindness. Kindness is everything for me.
















Read this repeatedly for 3 times to affirm yourself

  1. I am filled with joy.
  2. My brain thinks and works with intelligence in joy.
  3. My eyes visualises all nature in joy.
  4. My ear, tongue, nose, skin works in joy.
  5. My heart pumps joy to the whole body.
  6. My lungs inhales and exhales joy.
  7. My stomach digests joy.
  8. My body functions in joy.
  9. I love joy in and around me.
  10. I can do anything with joy.



Read this repeatedly for 3 times to affirm yourself

  1. I am the happiest person in the world.
  2. I am happy for my beautiful life.
  3. I express my happiness to my brain.
  4. I express my happiness to my nervous system.
  5. I express my happiness to my endocrine system.
  6. I express my happiness to my lymphatic system.
  7. I express my happiness to my circulatory and digestive system.
  8. I express my happiness to my respiratory and excretory system.
  9. I express my happiness to my reproductive and skeletal system.
  10. I express my happiness to my muscular system, mind, and to this entire cosmos.

Be happy always.



Read this repeatedly for 3 times to affirm yourself

  1. I am grateful to my parents.
  2. I am grateful to my nature.
  3. I am grateful to my life.
  4. I am grateful to all those who come in my life.
  5. I am grateful to my physical body.
  6. I am grateful to my senses for being in control.
  7. I am grateful to my mind for keeping my senses in control.
  8. I am grateful to my intelligence which keep my mind in control.
  9. I am grateful to my soul which sinks me into happiness, friendship, love, compassion and all good qualities.
  10. I am grateful to all.




Read this repeatedly for 3 times to affirm yourself

  1. I am an instrument of friendship.
  2. I love to develop friendship with everyone.
  3. I am a lover of friendship because it is the only weapon to demolish enmity from the world.
  4. My body is in friendship with my mind.
  5. My mind is in friendship with my soul.
  6. My soul is in friendship with the creation.
  7. Friendship has no limit, so I am in friendship with all living and non – living things.
  8. My cells dance in happiness when I overflow with friendship and so happens continuously.
  9. I am a natural phenomenon of friendship and love which I spread everywhere and every time.
  10. I am the greatest atom of friendship which keeps multiplying when bursts out.